lunes, 11 de marzo de 2013

Alumnos que no entregaron tarea la semana pasada del 4 al 8 de marzo


Aguilar Hernández Marcos
Amador García Isaac Daniel
Cervantes Muñoz Marijose
Chacón Castillo María Elizabeth
Contreras Pliego Iván Humberto
Cuervo Rosas Luis Fernando
González Pérez Laura Vanessa
Lorenzo González Gloria
Maceda Quitl Esteban
Martínez Castillo Jessica Arizbeth
Morales González Karolina
Oyola Alcázar Luis Gerardo
Patraca Serrano Salvador Farid
Ramírez Bernal Julio José
Rodríguez Barragán Jordi Oswaldo
Rodríguez Estevez Carolina
Sánchez Sánchez Isis Anastasia
Sifuentes Matla Georgina
Tiza Huerta Luis Fernando
Vela Sánchez Esteban de Jesús
Velázquez Gómez Luis Salvador
Villegas Figueiras Ivonne
Zepeda Regalado María Fernanda

3o D

Alarcón Boyso César Alejandro
Altamirano Abad Diana
Barrientos Loeza Héctor Francisco
Chávez Acosta Mildred
Domínguez Santiago José Antonio
Enzástiga Romero Luis Fernando
González Martínez José Luis
Hernández Carmona Baruch
Hernández Cruz Víctor Manuel
Mendoza Sánchez Alejandra
Miranda Castro Arturo
Nava Vásquez Stephany Gabriela
Núñez García Vicente
Ortega Díaz Alberto Emmanuel
Ovando Vázquez Emmanuel
Pastor Juárez Diana Vanessa
Reyes García Pablo
Rodríguez Higuera Carlos Antonio
Rodríguez López Romina Irais
Sánchez Gutiérrez Karla Andrea
Ubaldo Cruz Rogelio
Zendejas López Luis Alfonso

viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

Tarea 11-15 de marzo

Copia el siguiente texto en tu libreta y elabora 5 oraciones completas a manera de predicciones (Will). Además elabora 5 oraciones que indiquen un plan futuro (simple present). Recuerda que estas oraciones deberán estar basadas en la lectura que ponemos a continuación y que copiaste en tu cuaderno.

Year 2049
Robots are a common feature of homes and workplaces
Robots are now widspread in mainstream society, appearing in a wide variety of forms and functions. Androids are especially popular among the elderly, widowed and those who are disabled or incapacitated – in which role they serve as companions, guides and carers. They are also popular amongst the lonely and socially anxious, who can develop relationships without the fear or hang-ups normally associated with human company. Those seeking "alternative" lifestyles are also making use of androids.

Sports enthusiasts are making use of robots - as running partners, for example, on squash and tennis courts, and in certain fighting/fencing games where they can simulate world-class players. Countries such as Japan and Korea have even started broadcasting their own "Robot Olympics", attracting millions of viewers.*
The cheapest android models are available for less than $1,000 now, and are stocked by many high street retailers - including hardware stores, department stores and electronics shops. Some of the more advanced models feature lifelike skin, hair, eyes, lip movement and other features. All of the personal information required to cater for their "owner" is pre-programmed into the android's brain.
Government legislation regarding these machines is complicated - and requires years to be fully implemented - but in every country, without exception, the machines adhere to three basic laws. These were postulated almost a century earlier by the science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov:
1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm
2. A robot must obey orders given to it by humans, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law

In hospitals, delicate procedures involving nanotechnology devices are given over exclusively to robot machinery, capable of far greater precision than human hands.

Agriculture and food production is heavily reliant on robots. With much of the world's arable land turning to desert, hydroponic "vertical farms" are a common feature of urban centres. These carefully controlled environments are tended by robots and automated systems, often requiring the analytical skills of machines rather than humans.

lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013

Tarea 4-8 de marzo

Copia y resuelve en tu cuaderno el siguiente ejercicio

Write positive sentences (will) Future.
  1. We (help)  you.
  2. (get)  you a drink.
  3. I think our team (win)  the match.
  4. Maybe she (do)  a language course in Malta.
  5. (buy)  the tickets.
  6. Perhaps she (do)  this for you.
  7. Maybe we (stay)  at home.
  8. She hopes that he (cook)  dinner tonight.
  9. I’m sure they (understand)  your problem.
  10. They (go / probably)  to the party.